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hello there!
Name: shenaypop
Details: 35 years old (Sagittarius), Female, Single, Lesbian
Location: sutton! (south east london), London, United Kingdom
Profile Link:www.faceparty.com/shenaypop
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basically they caught me off guard
In my own words

well, i don't really do much to this! i have a myspace which is a lot more interesting.... www.myspace.com/skeletune.

huh? well i'm shenay! i like the fun things in life. i like to go out on saturday nites (and every other nite of the week) and see where i end up, it's always a new challenge to find my way home! i like people with confidence who aren't afraid to be complete and utter wankers with me. all in all, my philosophy in life is to live it and live it well... i always have a story beginning with this time when i was completely trashed...

make mine a double ammeretto and coke please! or if you reaaaally like me make it a double jagermeister and red bull!

P.S. i think i am actually in love with the lead singer of paramore... if you look like hayley williams do not hesitate in messaging me.
My Pet Hate...

not having personal space in a situation where you are meant to have personal space!!!! seriously. it fucks me off so much that it takes my mind to a point of anger!!!
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Comments 10 of 25 | post a comment | view all
_dopey_ wrote...  
you are hott :)
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becky3575 wrote...  
sorry faceparty hates me and is saying error when i try and reply, i am alreet thanks :) what you been up to today like?
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fabtastic85_x wrote...  
yo kool profile, loving the pics too
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lady_h_69 wrote...  
Hey hun u kl wot did u get up to dis weekend?
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milky_5788 wrote...  
Alright sweet cheeks, how are you? You had a good day?
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tasha101 wrote...  
haha wata shiteeee shit???? how long u been on here lil perv!!! x
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deniz_1989 wrote...  
hey bbz
love the hair its very sexy as are you ;)
xx d xx
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agentarcher wrote...  
hey gorgeous u got msn.
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lady_h_69 wrote...  
hey bz hows u doin u goin out 2nite ? am hittin soho 2nite woo woo :) wot ya up too?
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00and7 wrote...  
kwl hair ;)
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Favorite Things

stuff with flavour... none of theat bland stuff!

rock, metal, rave, pop, anything!

TV Show
loads of stuff!

someone that makes me sound intelligent


Night Club / Bar
anywhere in soho where the DJ knows how to DJ!

talented and passionate people

london baby! and places with good people

my beloved old car named hubert... i miss him!


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