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Looking for some new friends
Name: Shady 3775
Details: 43 years old (Cancer), Male, Single, Straight
Location: Oxfordshire, United Kingdom
Profile Link:www.faceparty.com/shady3775
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My new toy whoop whoop
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In my own words

I am just a normal guy looking to meet some new friends. I love animals, kids and being out in the country. I enjoy going out and having fun aswell as just having a cosy night in. I can brighten up any atmosphere and I am also a very caring, passionate and a kind sort of guy. All I need is meet some new people to have some fun and a few laughs with, friends who can be there for the good times as well as the bad times - people you can trust and rely on. I have a good job but work some wierd long hours which ain't good but the perks are great like a new company car and that so it aint all bad.If you decide you wanna know a bit more send me a message,ask for my msn addy and we can have a chat online. We could then maybe hook up for a drink, a night out on the town or anything really.Im a genuine guy just hoping to meet some new friends and to really broaden my social life. You only get one shot at life so why sit back and waste it !!!
If I was a Millionaire...

I would go on a mad one and let my hair down. I would do all the things I never dreamed I'd do.I would love it. No cares in the world but I would also share some with my family and friends...would be nice - no work - do what you like - no worries.
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Comments 2 of 2 | post a comment | view all
princessjuliet wrote...  
a genuine guy, gorgeous down to earth and easy to talk to and a real gent xxxx
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blythbabe wrote...  
fuk me ur fit xxxx
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Favorite Things

Chinese - Indian but not together !

Anything catchy

TV Show
Anything from Eastenders to Top Gear

Stephen King

Friday 1, 2 and 3

Night Club / Bar
Anywhere where there are no cues at the bar.

Roast Beef / Chicken etc...

Outside - being in the country.

Car, PC, Phone etc


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