In my own words
 I like a random drive to somewhere like Abaraeron for chips and then ice cream, or Carmarthen to wander round Tesco. Its just fun. I'm looking for fun people who wanna do such random drives for the hell of it... I mean, why not? If you're interesting, I'd very much like that. Too many people dont have brains, and brains are very helpful when you want conversations. Basically I like humans with similar viewpoints to me, but I'm happy to explore other opinions. I can be opionated, and I wont hide that, but be prepared for me to challenge you. I like it if you can form real sentences. And speak correct english. 'Text speak' does not interest me, it makes me think you are silly silly people. Ok, ok, rant over... I promise! xx |
My Eternal Dilemma...
 coke or diet coke? |