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I swear to drunk i`m not god....
Name: me !!
Details: 48 years old (Aquarius), Female, Single, Straight
Location: Right in the middle of finding my soul mate.., Manchester, United Kingdom
Profile Link:www.faceparty.com/sh3lbyzz
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me being me
In my own words

Well 1st of all my profile on here is just for laugh`s. Im a fiesty, freckled, not very red, pint sized, big hearted, very spontanious, very understanding, unshockable, independant, honest & faithful type of girl, who loves a bit of banter and can come across as a bit to confident or upfront to strangers... If u took the time to get to know me, ud be surprised to find out its just a front, im a deep, caring, life time friend, who would give her last penny to a stranger, if it made them smile, Im at my happiest when making people happy, Im not a money girl, it means nothing to me so dont try to impress me with ur big boys toys, lol. Even though my moto is, money is for spending, u can`t take it with u... So not being rude, but have to say, im a to the point girl, don`t have time for teenage chat , when u fancy a lad and ur to shy to talk, if i like u ill let you know, if not i wont waste your time or messages, 1st impressions last wt me
If I was a Millionaire...

I`d own face party
and all u single men would be my bitches....
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Comments 4 of 4 | post a comment | view all
69lewis69 wrote...  
hello u k xxxx
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bigstedapimp wrote...  
wanna chat huni
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kevsheregirls wrote...  
hey babe how r u? hope u dont mind me saying 2 u that u r so hot. i got msn if u wanna chat. xxx
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tony_mantana2 wrote...  
absolutely beautiful! id be proud to call you my girl, any lad would!!!
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Favorite Things

Try anthing once

anthin that gets mi arse bouncing

TV Show
Shamless & prison break..

thrillers & funnys

Night Club / Bar
to meny to mention

R.I.P melissa & matty..miss u`s 2 much..

here there and everywhere..

shopping, clubbing, sleeping, chatting,


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