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Name: sexyram69
Details: 51 years old (Aries), Male, Open Minded
Location: Lancashire, United Kingdom
Profile Link:www.faceparty.com/sexyram69
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Its ME, just having fun like normal. xXx
Do you want to try this!!?
Sexy Amanda, she's great. xXx
Julie 'Gorgeous' I love this girl xXx
In my own words

I just 'Love to Love' and love to see people happy. I feel that if people were to 'Make-Love' while having sex more often, than just it being sex, then we the people of the world of ALL ages, would be in a better state of mind, with more LOVE in our hearts and be more loving and carring to those who are around us! Which would give us less people around who are angry and wanting to fight!

Why do we have homophobic people, I can't understand why people can be so mean towards other people, who are different than they are. I like all people Gays, Lesbians, Bi-sexuals, Shemales, Ladyboys etc. We are not in this life to judge others, we are here to enjoy the fruits of life given to us by nature!

So next time you find yourself having ago at someone, try not to be nasty to them, we all have our opinions, but everyone in life deserves at least two chances!!

And remember its far better to LOVE someone, than to fight them.

Much Love X
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Cheese & Onion Pie, Chips, Peas & Gravy. YUMMY

Punk Rock - Classical

The Lord of The Rings Trilogy

Staffordshire Bull Terrier

Lulworth Cove, Cornwall & The Lake District


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