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I May Play The Fool At Times
Name: sarah
Details: 35 years old (Gemini), Female, Straight
Location: Sunny Belfast, Northern Ireland, United Kingdom
Profile Link:www.faceparty.com/sexy_sazzy
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richard and me
In my own words

take chances. tell the truth. say no. say yes. spend all your money. fall in love. get to know someone random. be random. say i love you. sing out loud. laugh at stupid jokes. tell an idiot what you feel. let someone know what they're missing. laugh till your stomach hurts. be a fool. make a funny face in a picture. kiss. dance how you want to. ride a fast bike. get tattoos. drive fast cars. do something that your scared of. get battered at the weeked. Live life now, later could be too late xXx
The Meaning Of Life...

...!~*:DaNcE:as if no one is watching*~!...!~*{sMiLe}as if everything is perfect*~!...!~*+GivE+ as if u have everything*~!...!~*>kIsS< as if it was ur last time*~!...!~*-LoVe- as if u've never been hurt*~!...
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Comments 10 of 55 | post a comment | view all
nirishlad wrote...  
What, playing hard to get already? NICE.
Talk to me.
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j_a_y_20 wrote...  
you've gone all quiet =(
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mem_b wrote...  
hi hun how u doin x
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nirishlad wrote...  
Hey what's up, don't worry I'm not your usual ass kisser who starts their message with hey babe, your stunning or looking gorgeous babe, beautiful. I have class.
Would you like a proper chat with ME instead and take it from there?
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tez23 wrote...  
Hey, hows it going? I just saw your profile and wondered if you fancied a chat sometime. So if you want to chat email me back
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fit_lad_15 wrote...  
very nice :) xx
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drfoxy03 wrote...  
Hiya hows you? Sorry for messaging u on here, having trouble sending normal messages.
where abouts u from in belfast?
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calum_h wrote...  
Hiya this may at first sound a strange question but please tell me how many tummy aches / tummy upsets you have had in last 12 months? Just a rough number is ok i dont need an exact answer.
I am doing a masters degree in Medical science and have to do a study on people around the worlds stomachs health.
Please do take just a few seconds of your time to reply.
Thanks alot
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davyx0x wrote...  
hey hey sarah hows u?25 m belfast,fancy chatting on msn?x x
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2pac_50cent wrote...  
hows u just wondering if ya fancy a chat if you do heres my addy [email protected] or can i have yours like get know u more better if dnt mind hopefully hear from ya soon love profile sounds really good huni talk ya soon wb xxx
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79 photos
Favorite Things

Chinese, Italian, Indian, Junk-food!!

anything i can shake mi booty to!!

TV Show
Waterloo Road, Never Mind the Buzzcocks

I dnt really read that much :S :S

wedding crashers, jarhead, findin nemo!

Night Club / Bar
Box, Stiff Kitten, M Club, Beach Club

wee sexy huni

ma bessie m8s

In The Sunnn or on the dancefloor

~*My mobile and my ipod and money*~


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