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Never say never! Be opened minded! Try something new!
Name: sexguru
Details: 38 years old, Male, Straight
Location: Cambridgeshire, United Kingdom
Profile Link:www.faceparty.com/sexguru
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In my own words

Don't be one of those people who look back at life and have regrets of not doing things and enjoying themselves. Yes I believe in self respect but I also believe in knowing and finding ones self. You have to fully explore yourself, physically and emotionally to strengthen yourself and to know what your all about. Don't go through life saying never but try different things. We all have dark secrets and no has the right to judge us.

Women these days have its all yet have no confidence, they are scared of being judged and hide themselves behind what pleases others. In actual fact people respect others who know what they are about, experienced life, stand up to others and moreover are not scare to try new things.

We only live once!
If You Pay Me...

I still wouldn't change! I have enough money of my own! I am who I am and I like who am am and no one or nothing can change that.
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