In my own words well... i aint got a clue wot ta say if you wanna know something ask me xxIF YOUR GUNNA MESSAGE MI RATE MI FIRST OR YOU DONT GET A REPLY xx
what is it with fellas they r all nice n all that then they see a pic ov ur boi n they change what is that all about its pathetic gd i was in a well gd mood taday now sum litle faggot as put me in a stress, its friday in 2days ppl yay out gettin drunk agen cnt wait lol whats every1 else up ta? sorri my blogs aint good ta read but i get everything out when i write so u dnt av ta read these if you dont wana ill write tamoz xx take care xx
In A Perfect World... i would have the perfect body/face i would have a really good job and loads of money also have the perfect boifriend but this is all just a dream xx
Hey. You alright? Nice profile, you seem pretty genuine which is hard to come by on here. Im not here for cam fun or any of that weird stuff, check my profile out. Speak to you soon hopefully x