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Name: linda
Details: 44 years old (Gemini), Female, Single, Straight
Location: heywood, Lancashire, United Kingdom
Profile Link:www.faceparty.com/secretlinda
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In my own words

Lifes too short to wake up in the morning with regrets.So love the people who treat you right, forget about the ones that dont.Believe that everything happens for a reason. If u get a chance take it, if it changes your life let it. Nobody said itd be easy, they just said itd be worth it !! x x x
My Mum Says...

Cry you'll wee less
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Comments 10 of 14 | post a comment | view all
johnnn123 wrote...  
hey babe u ok?? u got msn?? jst rated u :P lovin the pics ;) xxxx
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seanysg wrote...  
hi sweetness u hav lush cheaks lol n lv ur smile xxxx
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tyrone_g_william wrote...  
hey u okx
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speedywilson wrote...  
Hi, Just took a look @ your profile and wanted to ask you if you fancy chatting sometime either on her or msn: 636@live.co.uk Have a look @ mine and if you like what you see and wana chat then all you have to do is send me a line, hope to speak to you soon, all the best Mark.
Work like you don't need money,
Love like you've never been hurt,
And dance like no one's watching
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markos2k wrote...  
best smile on faceparty yet..xx
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biker_boy1978 wrote...  
Hey hun! Looking fine! very cute! How r u? Have you eva had an ecg test done on your heart before? It's tha test where you take yr bra off and have about 8 sticky pads placed around yr left boob and you are wired up to a heart monitor. I'm training to do them at the mo. If not has a doc ever listened to your heart wiv a stethoscope? if so could you tell me where he placed it. wb hun xx
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wast3d186 wrote...  
Hi saw your profile n liked your pics so i thought i'd msg you and say HI! i'm not gonna go on to you about how hot you are cos lets face it you already know you look in the mirror everyday so if you fancy a chat with a nice lad then msg me back x p.s. dont accept this x
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dacko wrote...  
If you were an Airfix kit you would be the one i would like to get sticky with Miss GoRgEoUs X X X
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goodison wrote...  
hey there gorgeous...happy birthday xxx
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xxjenniferlouisexx wrote...  
hia just fort ad say have a nice holiday xxx
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