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Ooooohhh my poor nuts....
Name: Steve
Details: 47 years old, Male, Straight
Location: Curled up in a ball, Manchester, United Kingdom
Profile Link:www.faceparty.com/scrambled_eggs
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Read, learn and then practice!
Twice as nice...
Some tips for you!
In my own words

The pictures will probably give you some idea what I'm after! Anyone care to give them a go? ;)

One slight tip for those of you too closed-minded to understand the concept of a fetish - don't bother telling me unless you want a volley of abuse in response. Just move along to the next person....

After a lot of comments I've uploaded a picture of me to the adult section - anyone else who wants one please just ask me. (Don't want the wrong people to recognise me!)

Private chat can be a bit awkward so anyone who wants to chat just let me know your MSN or Yahoo
My Mum Says...

Oops-up, side your head, say oops-up side your head.
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In between the legs



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