In my own words There's this girl called... Amy Holderness
And she stunned this magical world on thee... 8th September 1989
Do the math u will realise she is... 18
She lives in... Leeds/Hunslet
She looks at you with... Green eyes
And she twiddles her... Brown hair
She stands at a tiny... 5'4 ish
She playz dress up in a... Size 8
And she walks all over u in... Size 5/6
She tells the world she loves... No1 but herself
And she spends her dai's... Daydreaming, laughing and smiling or thinking bout what she lost
She loves her life!
I dont want anyone holding me... I want... YOU!
I Love A special Sum1.... GUESS WHO!
Please do this!
What would you do if..
1.I commited suicide? 2.I said I liked u? 3.I kissed u? 4.I lived next door to u? 5.I was hospitalised? 6.I ran away from home? 7.I asked u to marry me? 8.I asked u to sleep wi me?