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**some times the truth has to be told but sometimes you loose people telling it!
Name: sammy
Details: 37 years old (Taurus), Female, Engaged, Straight
Location: awww wanna come and see me ???, Hampshire, United Kingdom
Profile Link:www.faceparty.com/sassymeme
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In my own words

*~ well you have come this far want to know a bit about me? ~* *~ I have a boyfriend before you ask yes I love him and no I will not leave him for a night of passion with you, I aalso have a wicked baby girl called jennifer~* *~ I am on here to have a laugh and make the days go quicker!~**~ I will not go showing any of my body parts on webcam so dont even ask me to coz the answer will be a big no no~* *~I am a little bit mad and crazy but you can get use to that lol I like to have fun and I always get what I want !! As you can tell by my pictures I am not very serious, I take things as a joke quite a lot of the time but I do have a heart and it can get hurt!~* *~I dont really know what else to write so message me!!
xoxoDntLvMeBczUHateMe, HateMeBczULvMexoxox
y is it that telling the truth means you loose precious things? they are irreplaceable but after a while it gets easier to live with out them, i will not be dishonest after everything that has happened i hope you see sense but you never will as he will always win!! you have told me good bye and that hurt but good bye to you to and i will always remember the the rainbows and stars!! blood thicker than water hay what a load of shit
My Mum Says...

Dont pick ur nose, stop getting changed so many times a day,stop spending your money on rubbish,dont play with matches, dont hit your brother,stop shouting at your sisters, get off my laptop, stop swearing, stop smoking all my ciggy's!! and Sam GET UP FOR WORK!! GOD I LOVE MY MUMMY!!you forgot when she called you a f**k-up lol (thanks for that memory becky lol)
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Comments 10 of 16 | post a comment | view all
im_all_urs_1980 wrote...  
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luke0765 wrote...  
very nice!
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belfastladsxi wrote...  
Hiya Sexy! Marky ere from Ireland, Hows it goin huni? xx
hey have ya got msn? x
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--carter-- wrote...  
sexy mum u there ps nice pices
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chris1308x wrote...  
I think your a full time mum with a beautiful baby girl called J.... now can i get my £10 please lol
love ya baby xx
keep it real hommie
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im_all_urs_1980 wrote...  
can you put a rowtree's fruitpastile in your mouth without chewing it gorgous lol.
fancy a chat sumtime im lewis xxx
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nota_nuff_said wrote...  
lost for words, more than the usuall, stunning or u fit babe.. u are so wicked..
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mymatebrett wrote...  
hey sweetie u ok? fancy chatting? just sat here at work board trying to meet new interesting and fun people, you seem to fit the discription. Get back to me with ur msn or just tell me to piss off. hehe speak soon.
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im_all_urs_1980 wrote...  
hows you beautiful, i havent been on here for a while. would luv to chat again, hope to speake soon mwahxxxx fuck me tho your still looking hot xxx
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shawntaylor25 wrote...  
Come back on MSN, gorgeous xxx
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pasta and chips...yummy! (together)

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TV Show
what is the tv when you have the internet lol

sarah palmer (dont ask lol)

Grease one and two

Night Club / Bar
As long as you can dance i dont mind


Brad Pitt ! ummmm

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anywhere warm

My Lil Girl


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