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|  | sexyby69 wrote... | |  | Hi Hun, are you Ok? You are gorgeous btw, really pretty and sound really nice, im not far from you only moved ere bout 2 months go cuz of me job, took a promotion, so just wounderin if u got msn n wanna chat, email bk take care xxxx |  |  |  | send message |
|  | seantyler wrote... | |  | you are gorgeous, would love to get to know you and chat on msn, let me know if you are interested! |  |  |  | send message |
|  | seven_777 wrote... | |  | hey how u doing :) gota say ure looking good in ure pics ! which of course ure hearing loads on here ! let me know if u wana chat somtime |  |  |  | send message |