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Name: sarahbroadz
Details: 40 years old (Aries), Female, In Relationship, Straight
Location: Tuebrook, Liverpool, Merseyside, United Kingdom
Profile Link:www.faceparty.com/sarahbroadz
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Me and Jane in the Office
New Years Eve party 2006
Me looking angelic out with the girls
In my own words

I think i'm easy to get on with and i've always got time for people, except people who are really bad show offs and think they are better than you, when really they're just living in a dream! I know how to have a laugh, and could have a scream in a morgue (joke) . If you like my profile let me know, if you don't Oh well! you can't please everyone.xxx
Diary extract 15/02/07
Dear Diary, I've been off all this week, but i've been busier than i would normally be doing project work and doing my essay for college. Tonight i'm having the night off and i'm going out round town with all my work friends. Were gunna have a meal and a dance. Can't get too drunk though cos i'm supposed to be going for a walk in the countryside with my dad tomorrow, in preperation for my trip to Nepal. Gotta get my walking shoes out of the closet and dust them off. lol. Anyway gotta go. Bye!
My Pet Hate...

Fellas who tie big bow in thier shoe laces....People who have bad teeth....and bad finger nails.(that sounds really shallow hahaha)
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Favorite Things

Hmmmm. Pizza anything Veggie

Trance, dance, alternative punk, cheese

TV Show
Lost, Shameless, Father Ted,

Catcher in the Rye and Wasp Factory

Scarface and True Romance

Night Club / Bar
Garlands, GodsKitchen, Heebie Geebies, Barfly

Pigs (cos of thier shiny wet noses)

My Mum, Dad and Sisters

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Anywhere with mountains

my mobile and laptop


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