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I'm superstitious. Blow on these!!
Name: Sandra Isacsson T
Details: 38 years old (Taurus), Female, Straight
Location: West Midlands, United Kingdom
Profile Link:www.faceparty.com/sandra_isacsson
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yes its contacts.
In my own words

Alive and kicking damn it!!
Okey lets give this ago.
Right I am easy going, generally like to be creative! Like to make people smile.
Live for new experiances.
Like a good challange whatever it is.
There is NOTHING i wouldn't do for my friends and Family and cours that someone special ;)
Hopefully your the same in that area.

popular question... so here is my answer

HMMMM Y'know what? This is what I go by, It doesn't matter HOW good-looking a guy is, it just depends on his personality...the ideal is. He is good looking but not into himself, smart but not a show-off, athletic but sensitive.
If a guy can make you laugh and make fun of you in a good way then he pretty much got it all.
Just informing not looking :P
From Now On...

I don't believe in guilt, I believe in living on impulse as long as you NEVER intentionally hurt another person, and don't judge people in your life. Always belive in yourself and it will all work out =) The eternal optimist huh??... well thats just me =)
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Comments 10 of 112 | post a comment | view all
yesguy wrote...  
Hello there hun, hows it going? January treating u well so far?
Love the pics btw!!! ;) xx
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the_best_biscuit wrote...  
I was being nosey looking at profiles and yours jumped out at me making to me stop, stare and take notice. So I thought id pop over and say HI plus leave you some LUV on your page babe, hope you dont mind ??? From leaving you this comment I know that at some point you will be going to check my profile out . . . If you do and you like what you see and read ??? drop me a message back and may be we could swap MSN addies and get chatting . . . Xxx MWAH xxxx
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scon_edd wrote...  
wt u up 2 sexy?xxx
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glasgowguy85 wrote...  
hey how are you babe, what you doing up at this time, im pretty bored you up for a chat ? x
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cambs20 wrote...  
hey babe hows you? why you up so late? loving your profile by the way, fancy a chat?xx
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mcraverbaby wrote...  
I was being nosey looking at profiles and yours jumped out at me making to me stop, stare and take notice. So I thought id pop over and say HI plus leave you some LUV on your page babe, hope you dont mind ??? From leaving you this comment I know that at some point you will be going to check my profile out . . . If you do and you like what you see and read ??? drop me a message back and may be we could chat on MSN and get chatting . . . Xxx
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romeo_4_u wrote...  
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dazcrumpet wrote...  
you look like penelope cruz! gorgeous hun! xx
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dangerousrich wrote...  
Hello gorgeous just checked your profile and pix's and I'm feelin your wave so if you fancy a chat then give me a shout. Chat soon
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nicky2times101 wrote...  
heyhey are u ok babe? :-) xxxx
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Me and my friends
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some of my work
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Favorite Things

Apples and Sushi


TV Show
Friends, Prison break, Family guy, etc

Leon, Jumper , top gun, transformers etc

Night Club / Bar
Bernt`s in Stockholm

My turtel, i loved her =(

Time will tell!!


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