In my own words iM deD easy to Get alonG wit alwayS up 4 a laF luV goin ouT* wit me Mainn biTchh faCes --> EmiLyy Stef Tracey TrisHa HayLey An Linzi out eVeryweEkend toWnin it Or BooTle haha luv al me M8s yez r faBbb loVe my gorjuS besT m8 lukKee i go 2 coLege hugh baiRd >SHITE< doin danCe n DraMaa shouT 2 me bitcH phiL i aLsoo go 2 ProcTer Dance AcadaMyy Love u GirLss :D well iF u wana No moRE* jus mEssaGE me mwaH x x
The Meaning Of Life... is tOoo liVe it to the...>>>FuLl parTy all thE time an Go ouTtttt an Do eVerythiNnnn Dnt RegRet aNythingg Its aLways Meantt Too haPernn No maTerr Wat >>>>TakE risKs :D
ello there, just stumbled on your profile and you look rather lovely :) Im from crosby too!! If you fancy a bit more of a chat some time just give me a shout...or send me your msn addy! maybe speak soon Al
hiya hun, im darrell n im 22 from haydock in sthelens im sure u no wer sthelens is not being 2 far away n all. so how r ya? ope ur gud coz u certainly luk it by judging ur picture on here. as u can tell iv bin lukin at dem and lukin at ur profile and they are great. so wot kinda things u like doin coz it dont realy go into detail on ur profile? mayb if ur board sumtime babe u can catch me on msn or even send me an email n we can chat. speak soon lv darrell x x x heres ma msn add