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Small, fun, kind, always crazy hair, what more is there!
Name: Sam
Details: 37 years old (Cancer), Male, Single, Straight
Location: Plymouth, GOTTA LOVE IT!, Devon, United Kingdom
Profile Link:www.faceparty.com/samluvsplymouth
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Me as Luigi at my uni's italian party!
Me doing some random pose! Cheeky....
Apparently I look like Dougie from McFly!
Me dressed as a school girl!!!!
In my own words

Well my friends have branded me the 5th member of McFly (probably because of the hair). I see myself as kind, caring to all my friends who mean the world to me, love sports (specially Rugby), love doing stupid things to make others laugh, and all-ways have shocking hair styles! Oh and peeps could you please rate me while your here, say what you like, i'll probably find it funny! And if you wanna chat then just send me a message over faceparty and i'll be glad to reply. You'll have to send me a message over faceparty or give me your addy because my computer blocks requests for private chats. (Sorry) Not bothered if your older, message me, im a guy who likes people of all ages! There are more pictures on my other profile if you wanna take a look, blondestar_ The link to it is at the bottom of the page!
My Funniest Moment...

When I nearly burnt down my uni's halls of residance by setting the toaster on fire while trying to cook pop tarts at 3am and have the fire brigade out after me! hehe....

Then some how managing to blow all of the fuses to the flat in the same night and having the electrition out at 4am! WHOOPS, my bad!

Or it could be when I took part in my uni's version of 'I'm a celebrity get me out of here'....it was called 'I'm a student get me out of here' and it was awsome!
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Favorite Things

Pop Tarts, meat balls, subway's, chocolate etc...

Punk, Rock, Metal, Dance, 60's, 70's a lot really

TV Show
Mutant X, and Rugby shows!

Me read!!!! I dont think so, boring as hell!

Red Corner, Orgasmo, Baseketball, Dr.Giggles!

Night Club / Bar
Too many! But Flares if I had to pick!

Cats, tigers etc...

My best mate lil'Jon

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Plymouth, and my university!

The student life style, oh and my rugby equipment


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