In my own words i am a complicated work of art..for sometimes i amaze and confuse myself..a hopeless romantic that belives in love(maybe too much)vulnerable when it comes to relationship for if i fall i fall hard..not your ordinary filipina i know that for a fact coz my ideals are far more diff from the rest...a musician...a poet and a lover who will give everything for his no room for horny dont offer me nude pics coz im no angel and believe me ive seen enough of that..
they say that you only meet your great love once in your life they said that if you have them... dont let them go but what if you have found them and they are the one who wants to stray i have found mine...but lost it.... not because i let him pass me by but it was just destined to happend things were perfect and feels like heaven but what if that great love was never meant for you? never destined to stay just have to pass or break you what will you do? i believe that even you have
My Eternal Dilemma... is the endless search for the guy who would love me for what i am