In my own words dont know what to say hear im down to earth always up for a laugh like going out the usual really u want to know anything else ask me
The Meaning Of Life... ''Keep away from people who try to belittle your ambitions. Small people always do that, but the really great make you feel that you too can become great.''
im not out this wkend gotta be gud haha iv no time ov this wk ither but ye i do go out in manchester i love it there i lived in manchester for a while last year an loved it lol r u out at the wkend livin it up haha x
haha lucky for sum lol im normally workin till all hours haha but my manager has bin kind an let me go early for once haha bin soooo busy its unreal lol but u dont get anywere in life sat on your arse uv gota put the work in lol so is that wot u do play football full time x