In my own words I like avin a gud time! Just started at Rotherham College Of Arts and Technology on Catering and Hospitality NVQ Level 1 so iv got anuva 2 year left after this one!!! Cant think of owt better than hangin out with ma mates wen am not at college though because they brought me up and they are always der wen i need them! When am not at college or with my mates i tend to bounce round town or chill at home on internet or watch teli! Just to let all ma mates know ma cuz as got his new Mitsubishi Evolution 9on the road now lukin sick as fuk so giv me a holla and i will cum round and get ya if ur nice!
Anyway Leave me a message or a comment n i will get back to ya
Peace KR!$$Y
This Week's Plan... Same as every week..Go out and have a good time!