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That's Just Unfortunate....
Name: Rhona
Details: 34 years old (Sagittarius), Female, Single, Bisexual
Location: ardrossan near glasgow, Scotland, United Kingdom
Profile Link:www.faceparty.com/roni_ruin
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Hair today, gone tomorrow!
i'm a witch
waiting patiently
In my own words

Hey! Its Rhona, or Roni, i'll answer to both. My life is a bit boring right now. It sucks a bit. Its just work drink sleep and start again. Like Groundhog day, though not as good and you know, without the vermin.

So... this single thing... not all its cracked up to be is it? Quite rubbish really...

And i can almost say with certainty about 80% of people won't even read this, they'll just go straight for the pics :P

But i am actually quite a nice person and i literally can talk to anyone. Or i try to be a nice person anyway. So drop me a wee line if you fancy a chat, i bet i can find some common ground.
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So, so incredibly bored. I wish a had martini. Apple-tini.

Or i could go out. Mondays are bad nights for going out. *sigh*
My Mum Says...

Be good, and if you can't be good be careful!
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Comments 10 of 52 | post a comment | view all
shmeltydawg wrote...  
Ibiza? Woop woop sounds pretty good :) I'd love to go to there so gutted. What you been doing tonight? Xxx
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shmeltydawg wrote...  
How was your weekend of work :p xx
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killerkaz wrote...  
mmmm sexy babe
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mwh1 wrote...  
haha that is indeed your own fault!!! I've just added ya xx
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joepotter123 wrote...  
hay had to check out your pix after reading the profile lol,whats wrong with having ground hog day like that and yes i agree the single life isnt all that great lots of twats out there. p.s sorry for the essay
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mwh1 wrote...  
hey u! hows your wk going? sure you get a million messages like this but I thought seen as your profile made me grin I would give it a go!! cliche I know!! so what are the chances of a reply?! xx
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reesy wrote...  
Hey..how are you? How's the start of the week gone for you!! I got to say you look stunning..dont suppose you have msn and fancy a chat!! x
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goodger wrote...  
haha wow! what'd you get shopping? I'm finally sober now :) what to do? tidy the flat me thinks x
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nif_nof wrote...  
impeccable taste some might say lol. and football DEFINATELY counts as a tv show :]
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goodger wrote...  
I'm ok... just very very hungover :( you been upto much? xx
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Favorite Things

japanese or lamb, but i feel bad about it.

MachineHead, Muse, Dizzy, Elvis!

TV Show
football count?

James Herbert or john conelly

horror. sci-fi. not fussed

Night Club / Bar
Solid Rock. Rockers. Anywhere really.

jack daw

H.P Lovecraft

bed! definately. wrap me up in silk

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