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This profile is BITCHINGGG
Name: rob
Details: 35 years old (Aries), Male, Single, Straight
Location: dorset, Dorset, United Kingdom
Profile Link:www.faceparty.com/rob19dj
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In my own words

hi i bet most people just judge others on there pics i don't think you should im actualy a real dick lol. Im a fun kind of guy i live to party and dance. I also laugh alot and say pretty random stuff but hey its funny. I just ran the london maraphon but also like to keep fit and in shape. I really dislike sarcasum its anoying and really slow drivers (35 in a 60). Just two things to no about me i tell it how it is but im not nasty, and i don't change for no one (why would ya wanna change me i am legend) well maybe not that legendary. Any how thanks for reading and if your intrested leave me a message you never no what might just happen ;-)
Dance like no one's watching, Sing like when your driving, walk like your a model, talk like your a pm, Have sex like your being filmed, drive like you stole it, but on top of everything be yourself!
My Eternal Dilemma...

"YOU KNOW WHAT THEY SAY" Who the hell are "They"?
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Comments 3 of 3 | post a comment | view all
char217 wrote...  
i got so drunk the sunday night and the monday lol was a really good day :) what you up to atm? x
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char217 wrote...  
wheeeey dorset folk! where you from? xx
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aimee_rocks wrote...  
Thanks :O)
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12 photos
Favorite Things

pizza, toast

party, and club anthems, some d&b

TV Show

danille still, mitch albom

blades of glory, dirty dancing

Night Club / Bar
bar med, elements, legends, sanuk

who knows could be you


my mg zr 1.8i 16v twin cam


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