|  Name: | xx becky x x | |  | Details: | 36 years old (Capricorn), Female, Engaged, Straight |  | Location: | x xRhOnDdAx x, Wales, United Kingdom |  | Profile Link: | www.faceparty.com/rhonddahotchick |
  In my own words
 You wil find thru life that u will go from 1 person 2 another looking 4 the right 1 nd ul keep thinking that ul never find them but believe me i looked nd looked then i found him nd i love him 2 bits cld not imagine my life with out him x x x x x x x x x x |
 Blog | |  |  |  | lillie xxx
|  | our little gurl is 9 months now it gone ultra quick and loved every minute of it xxxx |
 In A Perfect World...
 PeRfEcT wOrLd FiNd A gUy ThAt CaLlS u BeAuTiFuL iNsEaD oF hOt, WhO cAlLs U bAcK wHeN yOu HaNg Up On HiM, wHo StAyS aWaKe JuSt 2 WaTcH u SlEeP. WaIt FoR tHe GuY wHo KiSsEs YoUr FoReHeAd, WhO wAnTs To ShOw YoU oFf ToO ThE wOrLd WhEn YoUr In YoUr SwEaTs, WhO hOlDs YoUr HaNd In FrOnt Of HiS fRiEnDs, WaIt FoR tHe 1 WhO iS cOnStAnTly ReMiNdInG yOu HoW mUcH hE cArEs AbOuT yOu AnD hOw LuCkY hE iS tO hAvE yOu!...I wIsH!... |
|  |   Favorite Things Food mackie ds /// ravioli & mash x x Music r&b, dance x x TV Show eastenders corrie x x Author katie prices autobiography x x Movie blow!, the green mile! xx Night Club / Bar time/escape/evo/liqui d/envy got so many!! Animals x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x Person my sxc baby dean thomas x x Website Click here to view Place sumwhere wiv good tunes nd alchol xx Possession/Thing use ur imagination xx |
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