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Reality is perception - perception is unique
Name: Lorna
Details: 35 years old (Libra), Female, Single, Open Minded
Location: Norfolk, United Kingdom
Profile Link:www.faceparty.com/rhidassa
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yes, those are handcuffs..
In my own words

I'm a rather unusual person. You wont manage to completely understand me. I can be very perceptive and intelligent if I care to think, which I rarely do. You blend in so much easier if you accept some things, and point out few of the flaws you see in the way the world works.
Mail me if you're that damn bored.
On a lighter note, I love speedway with a passion so I'm down Norfolk Arena a lot. So if you see me, say hi!
Petition - Please sign!
My dad died last year and we aren't allowed a picture on his headstone. Its heartbreaking. We've started a petition to gain support - http://www.ipetitions.com/petition/dhoward/ - it will only take a minute and its appreciated more than you know!
My Pet Hate...

Being treated like I'm ignorant, and cant understand the SIMPLEST of things.

And, people not being straight with me. I like to know where I stand, and the truth, whatever the hell it is. I can deal!
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Comments 4 of 4 | post a comment | view all
andyxxx34 wrote...  
very cute babe x
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salient_vassal wrote...  
Why does this profile not mention sandwiches?
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pinklillygal2k wrote...  
Hey hun, how are you? I could you use the company if ud like to chat, maybe on msn? men issues!! Hows life treating you? Hope you had a good weekend! P.S Your a very pretty lady!
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edward_f1 wrote...  
hey hun how r u??? wot u been up2??? sorry icant msg u i ran out of them lol if u wanna chat add me 2 msn [email protected]
bye xxx
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Lindt :)

Mostly rock/metal, also most things!

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Tamora Pierce, Kelley Armstrong


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