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Ladies and Gentlemen, I present to you all ...Mr Mond!
Name: ~~Raymondo~~
Details: 37 years old (Aries), Male, Single, Gay
Location: Dundee, Fundee, Scumdee ie hame, Scotland, United Kingdom
Profile Link:www.faceparty.com/raymondfaedunde
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In my own words

***PROFILE DUE TO BE UPDATED SOON AS FOLKS*** here is the stuff just now then,
Im ray, just me ...i'm a good guy, a legend people say, a good laugh and a good friend... im just me!...I say wot i feel wen apropriate(at times not) people they say im fun to be wit , a good friend that cheers the day up ...I like and hate things . Im good to chat to, and i can listen too, which is the most importaint thing. I dont see the point in not living wot u have, I enjoy it so much and at times it gets me in trouble...but at the end of the day atleast i can say ive done it, y not?. After all its not games that i play its just life!,No rules but mines, take it as it comes(hehe) dont hide behind ur mask be the mask! fancy a chat then SEND ME A MESSAGE...I REALLY WILL MESSAGE YAS ALL BACK U NO!....eh....mmm....ermmm...o eh have fun! Live it i do!!! ( and yes i did get help to write this, im really bad at doing things in these boxes)
hey pps i never even knew that i could write a wee blog thing on this , but today i have found out that i can, so wot do ppl usually talk about on these things? and suggestions?x
In A Perfect World...

No one will care about the differences of people, they will take them as they are and not wot is expected of them. The rules not given! Life is a board game, a challenge for everyone. So it no lie if you believe it and its no mistake if it is always repeated!!!Just remember that reflections in the waves spark your memories... A perfect world is the meaning of life and The meaning of life is simple, its to live it! have funnnnxxx
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Comments 5 of 5 | post a comment | view all
sophieeeee wrote...  
Ray Ray Im soo sorry I only just got your message, but I recon you were joking me as usual anyway!! COME TO LONDON YOU SILLY MR MOND I MISS YOU AS ALWAYS AND SARAH AND NINTENDOGS AND ESPECIALLY YOU YOU YOU XXXX
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sophieeeee wrote...  
Raymondooo!!! Whats happening this weekend??? I have to see youuu!!! xxx
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marco2k wrote...  
RAAAAYYYY MANNNN that is all! Ooh i worked out im 3/4 welsh... are you scared?
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sophieeeee wrote...  
RAY RAY RA RA RA RAY RAY RAY, that song that we love, the dragonisa or whatever one, rasoblasa no ma no ma ya that one, it was on music channel ON TOP 20 WORST SONGS, i was mighty offended, let me tell you!!!!
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sophieeeee wrote...  
bonjour monseur mond, j'ai perdu mon pantalons et eh ma ah eh ti ah, its pure fridging here, but i love youuuu, are you coming down in march??? we are coming up for your birthday!!!! its my birthday next saturday!!! and i have a present for you also,i might see if i can send it to you
I LOVE YOUUUU, tell sarah i miss her and the nintendogs :(
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Raymondos new ains!
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"Ray New ARtwork"
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Favorite Things

ermmm...No mushrooms tho


TV Show

Irvine Welsh-Marabou Stork Nightmares(read it)

Scary ones or really stupid silly ones

Night Club / Bar
Fatties!!!The Maidens lol, kareoke,

me? Well i have been known to be...

=:-)*!!! my friends !!!*(-:=

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Bed !!!**O YEAH**!!! or Jamaica or london

Phone and friends and life and drink and ...


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