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Sors Salutis et Virtutis Michi Nunc Contraria
Name: Hayley
Details: 33 years old (Taurus), Female, Single, Straight
Location: Gloucester, Gloucestershire, United Kingdom
Profile Link:www.faceparty.com/radomizion
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In my own words

Making and listening to music, music opens up a power like no other. It can change the way you feel, it can influence you in ways nothing else can.Debating About Politics ect. Dreaming awake. Being creative and sharing company with creative people. The Way Lighting Reacts With Its Enviroment In A Picture and Life. Atmospheric films Ambient Music. Situations that inspire you to comtemplate yourself and your surroundings. Feeling alive. Martial Arts! Double Kick Drumming! Getting lost. Philosophy. Thunder and lightening. Editing music and images. Drawing, writing + singing (although terrible at all three) I'm open-minded but opinionated, yet will always respect other people's point of veiw. I have a very laid back philosophy to life, I must admit sometimes too laid back.I admire people who have passion, which drives them to excel. The small things make all the difference. Take each day as it comes, Live for the moment! I try to be there f
In A Perfect World...

[Get drunk, get high, live happy]

(>Pain would not be your fear but your gaurdian<)
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Favorite Things

Tend to stay away from it

Classic, Industrial, Metal, Ambient, Trace.. ect

TV Show
Jackass, Ab Fab, Sci-fi's, Simpsons, Futurama

Dean Koontz, Stephen King, Manda Scott

Sci-fi's, Terry Gilliam films, Fight Club ect

Night Club / Bar
The Pig/Judder/Slimes/Devonshire Arms

snake, (dragon)

Mates + Flynn

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Beer in hand, sunny grass, music...

I aim not to be materialistic


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