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Hey look, im a big lanky oaf
Name: Radion Automatic
Details: 41 years old (Virgo), Male, Single, Straight
Location: Wakefield its a bit snazzy!, West Yorkshire, United Kingdom
Profile Link:www.faceparty.com/radion_auto
Recent photos4 photos | view all
(12/06/2006) Me looking auspicious...?
(23/05/2006) ...Im in there somwhere
(7/02/2006) Aimee hates this pic...Toughkins!
(16/03/2006) How emotional!
In my own words

im a worryingly lazy person that hasen't seen a morning in quite some time due to having dumb sleep patterns. i aint really got anything meaningfull or insightful to say, i just talk nonsense and try to make people think im not as dumb as i am by using big words :)
My Pet Hate...

1) ''cool'' dance mix albums (aka: trash).
2) people that end sentences with the word ''so''... - WHY!.
3) girls that overuse the word ''funky'' to the point where every thing they say contains the little blighter!
4) people who use words like ''avin it'', ''largin it'' and ''bangin choons'' - CHUMPS! those phrases were de-commisioned in 1992 so give it a rest ok?!...
Note: easily annoyed by random chav-related things
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Favorite Things

Super noodles!, sweet n sour flavour... mmm....

Rock and / or roll!, industrial, metal

TV Show
Im Alan Partridge, ARTHUR on cbbc!Its the bomb!

Reading is for dorks, i'll wait for the movie :)

Goodfellas... or Demolition man..

Night Club / Bar
''BUZZing it up''!

Erm, komodo dragons...they eat people!

...Joseph Stalin!

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Bed, spend some real quality time in it!

My beautiful portable telephone


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