In my own words ADD MY NEW MSN ITS [email protected] PLZ THNX XXX Hi i'm Rachel i'm 18 years old. I live in lancaster. I am working in a nursing home called burrowbeck. In my spare time i like speading it wiv mi bezzi mate emma n mi uva mates n geting pissd with them n having a laff. On here looking for new mates and to have a laff. If you want to add me to msn please do but i'm not the kind of girl to show you stuff on cam or to look at stuff so if thats wot you are after no point adding me but for everyone else my addy is [email protected] or send me a message on ere i will always reply bye for now!
hiya peeps
hiyas peeps plz write me a message n ill get bk 2 you lol
From Now On... im gna du things how i wnt wen i wnt hehe.
hey babe! hows it going? you look awesome in your pics! I am coming down to barrow in furness for a couple of weeks! i was hoping to meet someone cool that would maybe show me a around or something when im round there while im down! give me a message if you think you could help me! xx
hey babe! hows it going? you look awesome in your pics! I am coming down to barrow in furness for a couple of weeks! i was hoping to meet someone cool that would maybe show me a around or something when im round there while im down! give me a message if you think you could help me! xx