|    In my own words
 I'm A FuNNy BoY...I'm OpEN MiNDeD..._I like spending time with friends, going out, the usual stuff. Im a really nice boy and very easy to get on with - so i'm told ;)....I KnOw ThAt I'm FaR FroM PeRfEcT BuT I'm ThAKFuL FoR WhAt I HaVe....If You WaNNa To KnOw Mw A LittLe Bit betterBeTTer...WHy don't YoU juSt AsK?...._If ya dont already kno me arent u da lucky one!! haha Naa.. im not tht bad.. well i hope im not!! haha... Im m8s wiv any1 n every1 so.. msg me if ya fancy a chat! please dont jst add me straight away coz its abit of ball ache findin out who ya r! n im not intrested in tlkin to ppl who cant hold a decent convo!!.. anyways cheers for checkin out my profile.. take care, be happy and remember 2 Take care, b happy and most importantly keep smiling! :) i eally want to meet SweeT AnD LoYaL...._i like the kind of guy who calls you beautiful instead of hot, who calls u back when u hang up on him, who will stay awake just |
 In A Perfect World...
 human beings would coexist like a rainbow,multitude of colors each layer vibrant and clear by it self after every storm if you look hard enough a rainbow apears |
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