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Tall, Blue eyed & Laid back
Name: Martin
Details: 45 years old (Leo), Male, Married, Straight
Location: Essex, United Kingdom
Profile Link:www.faceparty.com/psyco_sig
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There you are!!!
Tattoo... Where Next Mmmm...
In my own words

Hey peep's... i'm mostly an outdoors person, but can't stand just laying about. Have to be doing something. Bit about what i get up to: i'm a Air Cadet Instructor and help out a bit at the local sqn. train the kids up to believe in themselves that kinda thing. Well its good for the soul.
You want to know more then send me message and i'll get back to you!
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Christmas Blues
Hey guys and girls. Well it's been sometime since i was properly on here. But i shall be coming back online soon, as soon as the skint month is over LOL. I have a new puppy and kitty since last time. Done my first bit of down hill skiing in January last year hence the photo's. Wow so much has happened i just don't think it'll fit. Hope to talk to you all again soon!!!
My Funniest Moment...

WOW so many to choose from! Well there was the near miss with parallel parking at speed in my old mini... Or getting stuck on oblivion at Alton towers... Missing the boat back home from Holland... Almost snapping my back in two on a parachute jump... finding out what i drank as a kid, and yet here i am... finding out me ribs were broken from kickboxing... getting drunk at 16 and being brought back twice... just ask...
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4 photos
Favorite Things

Anything i get cooked...

Depends on the situation...

TV Show
Mostly Cartoons!!!

Tad Williams/ JK Rowling/ Terry Pratchett/ etc

Not really fussed!!!

Night Club / Bar
Anywhere with good music & Atmosphere!

My kinkycat & psycodogs...

My better half

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In my wife's arms



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