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a beautiful disaster
Name: sammie jane
Details: 35 years old (Aquarius), Female, Bisexual
Location: wolverhampton uni, or near middlesbough, Cleveland, United Kingdom
Profile Link:www.faceparty.com/psycho_sammy
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i like hats :)
drunken again hehe oops
In my own words

Hi i'm sammie-jane, or SJ if you cant be bothered saying the whole thing hehe. i like to have fun and i like to party, a lot. and i drink lots of vodka and absinthe and anyhthing that tastes nice. I tend to take my clothes off while drunk, hence the photos lol.Music defines me. i Judge people on their taste in movies and music. I think chavs are funny and sad at the same time. I think life is too short to hold grudges or be petty and bitchy. I get sad when truly beautiful people dont realise how beautiful they are. My own actions define me and learn more about myself every day. I would say that impulsive and random are two pefect words to describe me. If ya wanna know anything else just ask me. x
My Pet Hate...

when people tell lies to make themselves sound better and when they make out that they are better than everyone else. grrr stop living in a dream world!!!!
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zigzagmad wrote...  
happy new year flower!!, hope your feeling better than i am today?, i'm buggered was well hammered last night lol, take care and best wishes xxx
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zigzagmad wrote...  
hiya pet, you got a new msn addy?, just i never see you online nowadays boo hoo lol xx
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zigzagmad wrote...  
thanks flower, know you mean well, but this is summit i got to sort out myself, someone hurt me real bad and shouldn't have, take care xx
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zigzagmad wrote...  
alrite hun hows uni going?, ok i hope, and hows you, you little tinker also lol take care x
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zigzagmad wrote...  
hi sammi, i'm fine ty hun hope your feeling better, got the email from your mum, soz to hear what happened, not been on msn much got a virus via there, which nearly fucked my pc :(
it's ok now, but just being careful,
lots of love, and hope your feeling better xxxx
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zigzagmad wrote...  
morning flower, hope your well, xx
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zigzagmad wrote...  
this lady is real good crack, a right sweetheart with it also, and very witty and funny, give her all the time in the world, hugs xx
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Favorite Things

chinese food and sushi, wierd for a student no?

metal, rock, punk, indie, basic non-chav stuff

TV Show
dont watch it, im never that bored

G.P Taylor

im supposed to like them all being a film student

Night Club / Bar
any that has beer and has rocking tunes

rabbit or a tiger, raaaarrrr!

Batman, yes he's real! also rob + andy, they rule

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my bed, especially when its cold outside

cell phone, bed (again), guitars,credit card, car


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