In my own words well im always up 4 a laf and i jus like goin owt wiv me m8s nd havin a gud time! i also like 2 go 2 the gym aswell 2 try nd keep fit lol so if ya want 2 chat jus giv iz a mesg id ill get bk 2 ya xxxx
The Meaning Of Life... is jus 2 live it 2 da max and dont stop till you do coz u onli live once xxxx
Uhm... I can't think of what to say right now, but I'm going to try. Its not like I've had much practice msging someone so stunning, so I don't have much experience lol. I'm hoping this makes sense lol. I do think you look really beautiful, and I'll stand by that. I think you're one of the prettiest people ive seen in a long time and I would love to chat to you more if you have no objections? xXx