Favorite Things Food mY MaMMaS cOOkiN..hEr SwEEt AN sOuR roCkS!!! Music BLuE--- RnB mainly slow RnB, biT oF hiP hOp. TV Show SpOnGe BoB,SATC, 8 SIMPLE RULES.. Author Jane Austin...theres nowt wrong with a good book Movie xXx ThE LiTTLe MeRmAiD xXx what else cud it be Night Club / Bar erm.newhere tht plays gd music nt commercial crap Animals TiTcH. .*OLGa..aNd JaCk*.- .*~* RIP *~* Person AriEl..ViCtoria beCkHam..ms JolliE Website Click here to view Place THe HomE oF THe StiL LoVeD siR WALt Possession/Thing my panda bless his lil soul- 15 yea |