In my own words I am me ... no one is going to change that. Don't think your any better than me ... everyone should be treated the same. Everyone gets a chance with me ... if I like you then cool, if you do something to annoy me i will tell you. x
There is at least one person on your faceparty list that wants to Shag the hell out of you. So lets play the Shag or Pass! game. The rules are simple... if you want to Shag the person who posts this, send them a message saying yep, I'd Shag you. SCARED? lol this is funny YOU HAVE TO RE-POST THIS!! and see who replies. There is at least one person on your faceparty list that wants to do u so!!!
hi u k jst wanted to say hi, am on bebo its jonboy2050 n think ur a lil cutie n wanted to c if u wanted to chat, i wrk in chester n live up by mold, wel hope to hear n add me its [email protected] xx