In my own words well.. for a start the name popcornpl4y4 is just a name it jus sounds groovy thats all lol doesnt mean im nick named a playa or owt so dont mistake me 4 one thankz youz neways my names richard A.K.A Bitch or the bitch, cos i appear 2 have more beauty products than BooTs.. and spend alot of time getting ready lol but wat can i say i like 2 take care of my self.errm im always up 4 talking n meeting new people and always up 4 a laff witch i never get very often cos most people bore mee.ermm i like doing adulthood stuff like going out for a drink,meals n stuff etc obvsly not alone lol...well actually at the min i am unfortunatly but ey who knows if u wanna no more add my msn [email protected] hollazzz x
My Dream Date... hmmmm hopefully is still yet 2 come!! so if u think u are lol>>> [email protected] <<< but no 1 ever does cos im unloved :( x