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Name: Naomi
Details: 36 years old (Aries), Female, Single, Straight
Location: Chicago,USA!!, Scotland, United Kingdom
Profile Link:www.faceparty.com/pochahuntas
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Had absolutley NO idea the policeman was coming!!
In my own words

Hey, heres a little about me...I used to be a stunt double for Angelina Jolie until Brad Pitt tried to make a move ++ I also used to race cars...untill my legs got tired ++ And i was a Sky Diving instructor but had to quit after the 12th accident ++ come from manchester ++ born in Essex ++ Live in Chicago! ++ graduted uni ++ worked in hotels for 6yrs ++ i once woke up on a bar roof top ++ i once drove a motorbike drunk ++ i can pour the perfect pint ++ everytime i go to a football match i always get hit by the ball ++ i seen a nun ridin a moped in rome!!! ++ Jimmy Savile asked me to take advantage of him ++ Love travelling! ++ have done a skydive, bunjee jump, quad bikin, sandboardin, jet boatin, jet skiing, speed boating and loads loads more!!! if wana know more just mail! Or im on facebook...Naomi Smith in the Chicago network...
My Funniest Moment...

Ha that'll will be when i was in Rome with a few mates and we went to see the pope. My pal asked me how many Swiss guards i thought the pope had and i replied i dont think the pope has any switch cards haha! still cant get the hang of the scottish accent lol! And have a few blonde moments.... what? Iraq has universities?!?!!
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Comments 10 of 69 | post a comment | view all
armyguy015lad wrote...  
Hey hows it going?
Wow you look stunning on your pics.
If ya fancy a chat sometime add me on msn,
[email protected]. x
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hiphopjay wrote...  
hey, how you doing?? You are looking very beautiful! Any plans for today? x Ian x
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welsh_nut_sack wrote...  
I bet that you look good on the dancefloor ;)
Hope you had a good weekend?
Love your pics
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jamie_c_05 wrote...  
*smiles* Hi.
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shysally90 wrote...  
Hi gorgeous. Just wanted to drop you a line to let you know that you are absolutely stunning hun. Shame your straight tho, I could do some really naughty things to you he he ;) Wanna chat? xxx
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sugarandspicegirl wrote...  
hey how are you?
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bigstar1 wrote...  
Hi, hows it going? wanna chat? x
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nuttytony87 wrote...  
cute x
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hollands wrote...  
hey how u doing fancey a chat babe xxxx
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07_massive_07 wrote...  
hya gawjuss how r yu like ya pics dalrin yu gt msn
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Egypt 2008
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R 'n' B/Indie/bit of dance

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Max & Paddy/Pheonix Nights/CSI/Prison Break

Dear Deidrie, haha!

Comedy and Action

Night Club / Bar
BullDog, Dady Os, BCM, MOTHERS!

Ma doggies

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Chicago & cancun!!!!

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