In my own words Im a lovely really i am! haha...i used to live in teh small village of lynemouth whihc is in a word...SHITE!!! but i am now currently living with my bf in good old gosforth!! Am quite boring alot of tv n work bloody hard...I hardly get to see my friends nemore n when i do its like once every 3 month :( a miss them loads...hav new friends now tho...our simon n stef from wudnt b tolerable without them lol..i spend most of my time with my bf or visitin my mum, cos she doesnt like to admit it but she misses me just as much as i do her...eee cant think of nething more...if u want to kno nething else..msg me i mite reply if yr lucky ;P xxmuahxx
1. Would you be in control? 2. Would u go slow or fast? 3. Would you wisper in my ear? 4. Would you talk dirty to me? 5. Would you kiss me with a little tongue or a lot of tongue? 6. Would you say my name? 7. Would you want me to say your name? 8. Would you let me give you a hickie? 9. How many rounds would we go? 10. What would you wanna do afterwards? 11. Would you let me take off all ur clothes then you take mine off slowly? 12.
My Mum Says... uve got yr own life to lead now...dont be sooo stupid:(