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Fashionably sensitive, but too cool to care!
Name: James Warne
Details: 38 years old (Scorpio), Male, Single, Gay
Location: Liverpool, Merseyside, United Kingdom
Profile Link:www.faceparty.com/playbunny_jw
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In my own words


Well thought it was about i changed this lil box! I'm James and i work at the Royal Hospital.

Im a pretty cool person, i get on with most people and love meeting and chatting to new homosapians.

im a bit random and love anyone who can laugh at them selves and of course just have fun in genral!!

I love going out an i can be found on the scene, i just prefer the music!

Anywho if you wanna know more then messgae me i do like it when my message bar is RED!

Hope you have a delicious day whomever you are reading this! And remember SMILE!!!!
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My Funniest Moment...

At the min, it must be going for mexican with Dave, Ashley, Phil and Darrn having a great meal then going on the kiddies toys an being shouted at by the Gran Canarian Police, Ashley the lil minx wudnt get off her toy and the crank of a police man unplugged it! Was hilarious tho, will post a pic....
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Comments 10 of 34 | post a comment | view all
northerndean wrote...  
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alexar wrote...  
hii babbbeeee! ohh dont be daft!! hows u anway? u still been gettin wrecked etc etc!? I have, lol, i love it ! your still lookin fab biatch x x x x
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speed_freak07 wrote...  
thanx x
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alexar wrote...  
heyyya babes! long time no speak! hows things? xxxx
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rugbyladnwest wrote...  
ive gud thx! hows ureself?? x
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john_paul16 wrote...  
But that emans your closer to me!!!
I'll make sure we have a ball!!! Am I still in the same place? I would like to go to Kevins seat I would Thoroughly appreciate that!!!
Whos going to your desk??? I can't wait to see it! I'm gutted am not there!!!! Its rerally not fair!!!
O my mouth is really hurting me!!!
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john_paul16 wrote...  
Hows life in the glamourous royal treating you?
its chocker here, and I feel fighting will soon erupt!!! I can't wait!! I wanna kick someone baggy fannys in the face! lol
any goss for me??? whats going on with the office? who am I by? Is my sexy filing cabnet shrine to my ladies gone?
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katieuk80 wrote...  
Morning superstar X it breaks my heart that you're gay!! O what i would do with u!! :0) New phone arrived yesterday..but still in box, will be back up n running by tonight though. Much love beautiful X
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john_paul16 wrote...  
I got a bed!!!! woooo!!
were in 327, I´ve looked everywere an can´t find ya doll I think the hotel woman has got all sticky fingered an took her for her poor children as an early easter present for them!!
Kevin had high blood pressure, can u believe he got stressed out about fuckin casenotes!!!!
no not had any man lovin, am a good boi me or seriously damaged one of the 2 lol
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john_paul16 wrote...  
Theres no sun today so am proper fumin!!!
also had to speak to Danny about the airport so there was ameans to me being on here!!
Guess wot, they put like Girls Aloud album songs on, I was in m element last night 5 in a row!! also they oput waiting on for me I thougth I was dreamin cos I usually dream about stuff liek that!!
Hows work??? Any goss for me?? I never got ur text so am even more fuming at that I think my phone is now on its lazzies, ooo I keep gettin hints off beef!!!
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Favorite Things

Most foods, not a fan of Indian tho!

all music really

TV Show
Lost,the OC,CSI,the simple life

Anne Rice, Cupcake Brown, Thomas Harris

The Devil Wears Prada, The Hills Have Eyes

Night Club / Bar
G-bar,Society,Garland s,Navy

Stella my Emu,Bindu and Frank my pandas

my biatch laura she is fab!!!

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Gran Canaria, anywhere with sun an bed

my fone,cashcard,ipod


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