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An Honest Working Class Hero
Name: Jay
Details: 43 years old (Capricorn), Male, Single, Straight
Location: Sidcup, Kent, London, United Kingdom
Profile Link:www.faceparty.com/pithagoz
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Trying to look stylish!
needs some work i admit!
In my own words

I'm a big lover of Espana, learning the language and can't wait to get back; definitely going to live there for good, preferably before the end of this year. I think I'm what you'd call an individual. I've never met anyone who can challenge me, never had a soul mate, But i'm sure there is one out there somewhere. I'm looking to find a crazy girl with a great personality to spend quality time with, enjoy good food, a dvd on a quiet night, spin some moves & get up close and sweaty on a mad night out, just see what happens... I seem to have different priorities to most guys, don't follow football, don't enjoy gettting pissed. Most people on here just seem to pass me by... doesn't honesty, truth, a GSOH & a little integrity count for anything anymore??... lol. RESPECT & HONOUR.

Hope to chat with some great people, yet to find someone worth meeting but lets see eh??
Works going well, been cracking on since my break up and it looks like I was right, there is a future in this web crap after all. The social life has taken a bit of a bashing though, don't go out as much as i'd like to. Seems like everyone has settled down and I've become a lone ranger... lol. Guess i'll just have to concentrate on increasing my social network, anyone want to help me out?
In A Perfect World...

people would respect each other, people would smile at each other & saying good morning to a stranger wouldn't make you a CRAZY man !?! lol
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Viva Espana!!!
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Favorite Things

Thai, italian, spanish, anything I cook

David Gray, Damien Rice, JK, James Brown

TV Show
Lost, BSG, CSI, Two & half men, Scrubs

Serpico, 300, Fight Club &loads more

Night Club / Bar
Fabric, Air & Breathe (ZENS... lol)

Alfie R.I.P.

Pacino, Lennon, Mother, Brother, Sister

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silver zippo


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