In my own words I HATE PEOPLE THAT MESS U AROUND!-cant ppl just be straight forward and say wot they think???. .*~*.IM AN ALKIE-OR BINGE DRINKER HAHA.*~ *.i love music, i always got a tune blastin outta my stereo, i can be shy when i meet new ppl,but then look out coz u wont shut me up when i get 2 know u! i loveeee tXtin ppl, but hate not gettin replys! grrr u know who u all r! lol and i love any thing PINK and anything 2 do with PLAYBOY i loves my mates 2!couldnt b with out yas! LOVIN OUR NITES OUT!!! *.~.BIGG UP MY FELLOW STUNNAS.~.* ***COME ON LYNZ DO THE WASHIN MACHINE DANCE!!!*** .*.~.*LYNZ IS MY FELLOW DaNcE PARTNER!*.~.* i got another faceparty account 2 so check it out! haha its OHHHH AND I LOVE PODIUM DANCING!<3
My Pet Hate... is people with bad hygiene! i mean how much does a bar of soap cost!?!? if i can smell u surely u can smell u! lmao oh yeah and another one of my pet hates is boyfriends that cheat! LoSeRs!!!.*.~.*.YoU dUnNo WoT yA mIsSiN!.*.~.*. yeah u know who u are!!!! *.*now u cant have me you want me!*.*