Comments | 10 of 824 | post a comment | view all |
|  | tait1983 wrote... | |  | hey, add me to msn hun i'd love to get to know you xxx |  |  |  | send message |
|  | theonenick2 wrote... | |  | wow just wow, just went though all your pics. Sorry i dont have any, my ex is being a dick so i had to delete all my pics, if you can add me to msn an il have chat if you fancy it, and i have a webcam, and pics on there. my addy is Hope to chat soon cutie.xx |  |  |  | send message |
|  | theonenick2 wrote... | |  | hey you, arnt you a little cute for this site hun? Awesome looking pics, Love to chat on here or on msn if you have it, my msn is if it works add me, but its being rubbish at the mo so sure it wont let me accept so if you could give me your msn and ill add you would be aweosme |  |  |  | send message |