In my own words i am luvin my life now got so much goin on a new car and starting to date so lets see if it works out this time i am funny love my made m8s to bits, blond hair 5/4 easy 2 get on with add me 2 msn [email protected]
oww had a lush day sunday me n me mum n dad took the dogs to cleevdon was lush let zip off the lead he was so good bless am lookin for another job luvin havin all these days off tis well lush well in the job world there no way im goin back down the only way is up so watch out bristol city council here i come baby...
In A Perfect World... i will pass my drivin test so i can drive my car woo whoo rock on punk rocker have a really good job the sort u want people to know where u work so yea lets see if this world is perfect so far its got a lot of making up to do...