Comments | 10 of 20 | post a comment | view all |
|  | alexajo wrote... | |  | Lol why thank you, sir! Took a lot of eating cakes to get it :P hope you're well X |  |  |  | send message |
|  | comocomo wrote... | |  | just saying hello... great choice of music, metal and rock definitely rock my world in music! :) x |  |  |  | send message |
|  | hannybelle wrote... | |  | Ditto! Aye ok, send me your number and ill text you - don't worry I won't accept the comment so it won't be posted on my page. X |  |  |  | send message |
|  | goddess-of-fook wrote... | |  | Festivals are the best fun. I've been to at least one every year for the past 8 years!! No other experience like it :) normally only do TITP nowadays though x |  |  |  | send message |
|  | goddess-of-fook wrote... | |  | I'm in Ayrshire. Hatebreed at the Garage and Chimaira in Tuts are probably my gig highlights. Oh and RATM at Download! Aw those were the days... Too old for it now! Haha x |  |  |  | send message |
|  | goddess-of-fook wrote... | |  | I've seen Manson loads too - we've probably been to a lot of the same gigs. I've not been to any decent ones in ages. All my friends who like metal don't go to gigs any more and my best friends like pop music. Sucks!! X |  |  |  | send message |
|  | goddess-of-fook wrote... | |  | I was at that gig too!! I'm a bank manager and have done nothing but sit in my pjs and watch films all day! Totally lazy but hey ho. Tuna is the devils food!!! Brown fishy paste... Yeuchhhh!!!! X |  |  |  | send message |