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True english....you decide....
Name: simon
Details: 42 years old (Libra), Male, Single, Straight
Location: montreal,downtown, Quebec, Canada
Profile Link:www.faceparty.com/passion-pillows
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The Tool From Montreal !....
In my own words

In my own words ? does that mean explain myself in great detail or does it mean for some stupid reason un-beknown to me that i have to bore you to death with such things as---;megadeath,emo,coldplay,faith nomore,pink,goo goo dolls,nivarna,pwei,korn,sliperyknot,..e t c etc bore bore bore..zzzz,so does that give you a good insight into my personality ?? i thought not...although i do like soulful funky house, what sort of guy does that make me ?...please,dont answer that...
In A Perfect World...

i would buy some real friends instead of the imaginary ones that never wana meet up anymore !! i dont know if being rich is all that it lives up to be though,coz ive heard that...where there is cheese there are rats,where there are rats there are cats,where there are cats there are dogs,n if you got the dogs you got b*tches,n b*tches are always out to put their paws on your riches...so it might not be oh so great...but im sure id enjoy it !!!
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thesamster wrote...  
Nice cock ;)
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Favorite Things

calzone.olives a full english breakfast..fwoar !

as above

TV Show
not enough hours in the day to watch it..

my ex,she's good at making up stories !

Zoolander, Happy gilmore

Night Club / Bar
must have shiney disco ball and hippacrockapigs..

Brittish Bulldog...

my sisters.

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the laurentians and my old home london



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