Name: | Adam M | |  | Details: | 34 years old (Leo), Male, Single, Gay |  | Location: | Birmingham & London, West Midlands, United Kingdom |  | Profile Link: | |
In my own words
 so its tru they cum n go as we grow up we learn that 1 person who wasnt suposed to ever let u down will, u will have ur heart broken more than once and its harder everytime. You will brake hearts to so rember how it felt. You will fight with ur best friendsand u will balme new loversfor things a old lover did, ull cry cus times pasin 2 fast and eventually u will lose sumone u love so take to many piks laught 2 much love like uv never been hurt cus every 60seconds ur upset is a minute u will never get back find some one who cales back when u hang up who kises ur head when u fall aslepstays awake to watch u sleep who listens and is there for u and cals u wonderful n not just sexy and thought out all this never forget to smile :)x |
Blog | |  |  |  | Hi
|  | Omg what a few months been working in Australlia for a few motnhs and boy did I enjoy it. Glad to be back to see everyone and let the party begin...yay! |
This Week's Plan...
 Got ma boxing match tonight - wish me luck gang! Thanks for all the messages wishin me luck! x |