In my own words Schmooo!! (It's my own word! I made it up! To be pronounced correctly you have to do an 'Elvis Lip' just after you've said it)
Another of my linguistic fabrications is Oo-jer-boo (see above): Means mauling someone cute's cheeks with much vigour. My prime oo-jer-boo candidates are Drew Barrymore & Martin Luther King cos they both have cute lil hamster cheeks!
I hearby insist that anyone reading this SWINGS their pants right now...because there is never an inappropriate time or place.
Check out my songstress credentials at Forthcoming album next year so WATCH THIS SPACE.
Currently toiling hard on debut album - out in 2008! In the meantime check out to hear my voice (although these are cover versions). x
If I was a Millionaire... I'd buy Eddie Izzard and make him bring me lumps of brie with cranberry relish at regular intervals throughout the day.