In my own words orite =] - well im me - im rather shy tbh i comment people and then dont know what to say =/ so bare with me please - i change my hair toooo much - i like making new friends and starting new relationships ;] - i like being free - SKINS!! SHAMELESS!! MTV MASH UPS!! - i love gigs =] esp when they are dangerous - also gd old fashioned raves =] - i like grooving away on buses to weird songs - i dont judge people at first sight i get to know them, unless of course they take a great dislike to me =] - recently had to well... shave some of my hair but its looks alright =D
Another Online Account
yet another account i have made =/
i have almost one on every site now
u ken what i mean?
its almost compulsary (if i cud spell it)
we live online
i prefer bebo or VF try and get me there if u hav a pro
if not i can always speak here =]
XxX R oh aye comment me if ur from scotland!!!!
In A Perfect World... you would get yer hole at every party xD