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Name: outback6t9
Details: 54 years old (Pisces), Male, Single, Straight
Location: Western Australia
Profile Link:www.faceparty.com/outback6t9
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In my own words

It is long in the day, I am thirsty for a beer, hungry for a meal and tired for my bed.
But it is none of this that makes me forget you.
Remember always.
Patience is lost as we get wiser I think where it should be self disciplined into ourself.
Other way around and we get it backwards.
Roll on the days, not too fast, for my years approach at lightening speed and it is I that wishes to go backward to more younger times.
Gracefully grow old??
Not I said the cowboy to his horse!
Impatiently seek what isnt there for sure, this is natural.
But is it there or is it not?
Look inside your heart and the answer you will find.
The Meaning Of Life...

is that it's okay to bark at passing cars, as long as you dont chase them.
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U2, Matchbox 20, WPA, lots and various

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dont watch it



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