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STOP - hammer time
Name: orangejunki
Details: 36 years old (Cancer), Female, Single, Straight
Location: New York, USA
Profile Link:www.faceparty.com/orangejunki
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In my own words

I'm Nora! [Yes, you must put the '!' on the end]. I'm fucking awesome. I'm worth getting to know. I speak sarcasm and I'm pretty much a huge smart ass. I am what you've been looking for - I am not what you'd expect. I keep good secrets. I laugh my ass off when I fall on it. I won't put up with your bullshit. I can tell when you're being fake; so be yourself, silly! I believe chivalry is the best aphrodisiac. I make the best mix tapes ever - seriously. I sometimes pretend it's my birthday so that I can get free dessert. It isn't hard for me to like you - It isn't hard for me to dislike you either. I'll make you laugh. I dance to music in grocery stores and I sometimes like to think I'm a photographer. I'm a genuine kid, and that's a fact. Get to know me while I'm still young and naive. =]
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Comments 5 of 5 | post a comment | view all
mandishka wrote...  
erm, pssst *taps screen* come here nora b. ora!!!! come over and canoodle and we'll watch cry baby and be winos and make fun of people andandand loving. dont worry about poopers-mc-pooper-son, cause you've got me and i'm 10 times better (and by 10 i meant elevendy seven) <3 <3
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mandishka wrote...  
PS don't be a whoreface and pick up your mother freaking phone!!!
that's right, your mom freaks phones!!! except, i love your mom AND her delicious ham sandwiches, so i retract that statement.
but you're still a whoreface.
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mandishka wrote...  
WHYYYY are you my most favoUrite person ever?? and WHYYYY are we so far away from each other?!?! <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
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mandishka wrote...  
LMAO!!! YOUR PICTURE! i fucking love you.
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mandishka wrote...  
sometimes, late at night, i lie awake, contemplating life's great mysteries....the pyramids, the big bang, what fool ever signed Dream Street to a record contract and how we came to be so awesome *le sigh* i love us.
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Favorite Things

Potato Skins... and cheese. Cheese is amazing

Classic Rock, Oldies, 80s New Wave, Disney, Rock

TV Show
Golden Girls, Seinfeld and Law and Order

Dr. Seuss

I'm a movie buff, I love 'em all

Night Club / Bar
Lucky Cheng's


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