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5 ft 10, long dark hair and dark eyes
Name: Kev
Details: 35 years old (Leo), Male, In Relationship, Straight
Location: Thornaby (near middlesbrough), North Yorkshire, United Kingdom
Profile Link:www.faceparty.com/oliver_2005
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me and vicky :-)
me and ma cuz chris
me and my geeetarrr
In my own words

well what can a say. love the boro, season ticket in the south west corner (student seat will miss gd old north stand)!!! 29th Febuary what a day!!!
I play five-a-side every week with college mates which is awesome, good laugh.
love my music, bands including led zeppelin (robert plant legend), oasis, the killers, the libertines, babyshambles, bloc party, foo fighters, AC/DC, pink floyd, audioslave, chilli's, jimi hendrix, nirvana, guns and roses, kasabian, the beatles, the kinks, aerosmith, thin lizzy, snow patrol, kings of leon, damien rice etc.... so rock and indie mainly.
nights out down boro are awesome, southfields (any day), empire (sat) and crown (friday) all rock.
My Best Day...

29th February 2004...need i say anything else...

And although this aint a day, the week in which i saw both Bloc Party and Babyshambles live!
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Favorite Things

Chinese, Ben & Jerries Cookie Dough, McCoys!

60's Rock, Beatles, Led Zep, Jimi Hendrix...

TV Show
simpsons, south park, VH2, MTV:2

Gazza, only book I've read out of choice.

Star Wars, Matrix, Team America, Waynes World!

Night Club / Bar
The Crown, The Southfields, Empire, Ku Bar


all my mates and family, and of course Vicky :-D

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Bed, NewYork, Riverside Stadium

Season Ticket, Phone and my iPod


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